Recorder has obtained recordings showing how several heads of forestry departments across the country were removed from their positions following a coordinated blackmail campaign from the top of the Ministry of Environment. The recordings show that the man who carried out this operation was State Secretary Gelu Puiu, who boasted to his close associates that he had removed over 20 directors from the forestry system using the same method: threatening them with inspections that would surely uncover an irregularity. Gelu Puiu then reported to Minister Costel Alexe, who was interested in whether the positions in the country had been vacated. This is new evidence that the politicization of public institutions continues and is endorsed at the highest level. But beyond that, it is also a lesson in how people who have reached positions of power are transformed. From the tone of their voice, which takes on some important inflections, to the cynicism with which they end up changing the destinies of other people. ---------------------- Recorder is an online publication built by a team of journalists around these principles: honest journalism, done with passion and put in public service. You can support the Recorder project with a donation here https://recorder.ro/sustine/ or here www.patreon.com/recorder More videos produced by us are on: website: https://www.recorder.ro our Facebook page / Instagram account / recorder.ro