Link to class 1: Understanding Prostate Cancer - From Prevention to Treatment • Class 1: Understanding Prostate Cancer... SUMMARY OF THIS VIDEO: 00:00 INTRODUCTION 03:18 PRESENTATION OF THE CONTENT 03:31 WHEN TO START PROSTATE CANCER SCREENING? 06:43 WHAT CAN ALTERATE THE PSA LEVEL? 09:31 I HAVE A FAMILY MEMBER WITH PROSTATE CANCER. WHAT IS MY RISK? 15:30 HOW IMPORTANT IS A DRETAL EXAM? 17:40 IS THERE A TEST THAT REPLACES THE PSA LEVEL? 19:12 PHI SCORE TEST 21:08 4K SCORE TEST 22:29 PCA3 TEST 24:46 DECIPHER TEST 26:36 PROSTATE MAGNETIC RESONANCE SCANNING 30:10 PROSTATE BIOPSY WITH FUSION 41:53 QUESTIONS YOU SHOULD ASK YOUR UROLOGIST 46:34 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The screening tests for early diagnosis are the digital rectal exam, performed by the urologist, and the PSA blood test, which complement each other. The urologist, Dr. Bruno Benigno CRM SP 126265 RQE 60022, clarifies that these tests do not make the diagnosis, but raise a suspicion that will be defined through the biopsy. The Brazilian Society of Urology maintains its recommendation that men over 50 years of age should seek a specialized professional for an individualized evaluation. Black people or those with first-degree relatives with prostate cancer should start at age 45. ???? Don't put off daily care for tomorrow! ☎ (11) 2769-3929 ???? (11) 99590-1506 Contact us directly via WhatsApp: ???? https://bit.ly/2HCRkgt ???? https://www.clinicauroonco.com.br/ Schedule online: http://bit.ly/2WMMiCI Rua Borges Lagoa 1070, Cj 52 Vila Mariana - São Paulo - SP Dr. Bruno Benigno - CRM: 126.265 RQE Nº: 60022 #urology #health #urooncology #healthylife #uro #urology #medicine #benigndrbruno #uroonco #onco #oncology #PSA #prostatecancer #prostate #roboticsurgery #bluenovember