The “Hour” of Glory is the central theme of John’s Gospel. The passion of Jesus, his suffering, death and resurrection are recounted by John as an eyewitness. He was there, and witnessed the words that Jesus spoke from the cross. But although Jesus’ death for our sins is important, more important is his victory over death. The tomb was empty. Jesus won. I invite you to see the traditional places in Jerusalem that mark these historical events so transcendental for our faith. We invite you to help us share these messages. You can do it through WhatsApp, or Facebook, etc. We also want to ask you to help us by leaving us your comment and, if you can, a Like. May the Lord bless you. #hope #bible #faith #history #christianlife #sabbathschools #sabbathstudies #jesus #gospel #disciples #bibleplaces #apostlejohn #messiah #jesus #christians #ruins #christianity #biblicalarchaeology #romans #holyscriptures #newtestament #evidence #jesusofazareth #wordsoffaith #wordsofjesus #wordofgod #maranata #golgotha #thecross #holysepulchre #resurrectionofchrist 00:00 - 02:53 Introduction 02:54 - 3:22 Creators Fund 03:23 - 7:47 What is truth? 08:11 - 13:32 Here is the Man 13:33 - 17:17 Golgotha 17:18 - 24:54 It is finished 24:55 - 33:23 The Empty Tomb 33:24 - 37:35 Conclusion 38:10 - 42:12 Friday - Conclusion