SUMMARY OF THIS VIDEO 00:00 INTRODUCTION 02:23 PRESENTATION BY DR BRUNO BENIGNO 03:17 WHAT IS THE PROSTATE? 04:13 WHAT IS PROSTATE CANCER? 05:38 WHAT ARE THE TYPES OF PROSTATE CANCER? 07:47 WHAT ARE THE STAGES OF PROSTATE CANCER? 09:49 HOW COMMON IS PROSTATE CANCER? 12:18 WHAT ARE THE RISK FACTORS FOR PROSTATE CANCER? 16:59 HOW IS PROSTATE CANCER DIAGNOSED? 21:20 WHO NEEDS TO HAVE A BIOPSY? 22:27 WHAT IS THE FUNCTION OF PSA IN THE BODY? 23:34 WHAT CAN ALTERATES THE PSA? 26:31 HOW IS A DIRECT RECTAL EXAM PERFORMED? 29:58 MAGNETIC RESONANCE. WHEN TO DO IT? 30:59 WHAT ARE THE POSSIBLE RESULTS OF A PROSTATE BIOPSY? 31:51 HOW DO I KNOW HOW AGGRESSIVE MY PROSTATE CANCER IS? 33:21 HOW DO I KNOW IF I HAVE METASTASES 35:25 WHAT IS ACTIVE SURVEILLANCE? 36:46 OPEN PROSTATECTOMY 37:48 VIDEO PROSTATECTOMY 40:13 ROBOTIC PROSTATECTOMY 42:59 RADIOTHERAPY 45:34 FOCAL THERAPY (HIFU) 47:14 TREATMENT RISKS (URINARY INCONTINENCE AND ERECTION DYSFUNCTION) 52:16 DO VITAMINS WORK TO PREVENT PROSTATE CANCER? 54:49 INTRODUCING OUR TEAM 57:17 ANSWERING QUESTIONS FROM THE CHAT 1:04:13 THANKS LINK TO NEXT CLASS: Class 2: Understanding Screening and Early Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer Link here: • Class 2: Understanding Screening and Early Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer It is estimated that approximately 1,300,000 men are diagnosed with the disease every year worldwide. In industrialized countries, most cases are detected in the early stages. Even so, approximately 5 to 15% of all cases are diagnosed in advanced stages or with . In Brazil, we observe a higher proportion of cases diagnosed in advanced stages. In some regions of the country with worse health care rates, it can reach up to 40% of cases diagnosed with advanced or metastatic disease. Difficulty in accessing the health system or even cultural issues can explain a good part of the cases discovered in advanced stages. This has a direct impact and increases the mortality rates related to prostate cancer in our country. The development of new pathways has been an area of great interest to science in recent years. In the last decade, there has been an expansion of knowledge and a better understanding of alternative molecular pathways, which trigger mechanisms of resistance of prostate cancer to chemotherapy and latest-generation hormone blockers. Advances are not limited to the field of drug treatments. Improvements in diagnostic techniques bring greater power for early detection of advanced forms of the disease, such as high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging, bone scintigraphy and molecules with high affinity for the membrane of cancer cells, favoring the generation of high-resolution images for more accurate. When all these advances are added together, we have an encouraging outlook for the diagnosis, treatment and control of prostate cancer. In the near future, the scientific community will increase its knowledge about the ideal way to use, combine or sequence these and other new pathways that will emerge. ????Don't put off until tomorrow the care that needs to be done daily! ☎(11) 2769-3929 ????(11) 99590-1506 Make direct contact via WhatsApp: ???? https://bit.ly/2HCRkgt ???? https://www.clinicauroonco.com.br/ Schedule online: http://bit.ly/2WMMiCI Dr. Bruno Benigno - CRM: 126.265 RQE Nº: 60022 #urology #health #care #prevention #urooncology #prevent #healthylife #uro #urology #medicine #health #healthcare #life #drbruno #drbrunobenign #uroonco #onco #oncology #PSA#prostatecancer #surgery #prostate #roboticsurgery #bluenovember