If you need to learn more about the Holy Bible or want training to exercise your calling with boldness and excellence: Congratulations, you are in the Right Place, the Academy of Preachers, the largest Online Theology School in Brazil. ► Get to know the school https://ensino.academiadepregadores.org ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ▷ SOCIAL MEDIA ► Instagram: http://bit.ly/2O396u5 ► Facebook: http://bit.ly/2O1x9cK ► Twitter: http://bit.ly/2uBNDAb ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ▷ WHO WE ARE: We are a complete school of Online Biblical and Theological Courses focused on training men and women committed to the Word of God. For you who are passionate about the Holy Scriptures and want to deepen your knowledge, or go even further, becoming a preacher of the Gospel, Pastor, Worker, Department Leader in your church, Sunday School Teacher, among others. Choose your plan, enroll and have access to the complete courses: ► https://academiadepregadores.org/assine // #academiadepregadores, #teologia, #ead