"Three Japonismes" consists of three pieces: "The Dancing Cranes," "The Snowy River," and "The Festival." When all are performed together, the total length is approximately 18 minutes. At the All-Japan Wind Orchestra Competition, each orchestra makes its own edits due to the performance time restrictions. In addition, a "Three Japonismes Composer's Edition," re-edited by the composer himself to approximately 7 minutes 30 seconds, has also been released. The Dancing Cranes (La Danse des Grues) This is a lovely wind orchestra performance of the courtship dance of the red-crowned cranes. In the scene where the cranes dance, the paper from the fan is removed and the two are clapped together to represent the dance. There are solos for the piccolo, oboe, soprano saxophone, and more. There are also depictions of the flapping of the cranes' wings and their cries along the way. The Snowy River (La Rivière Enneigée) It depicts a scene like a sumi-e painting of snow falling quietly on a river flowing quietly through a winter valley. The sound of the river flowing is expressed by hanging bamboo tubes of different heights on strings from the hanging poles of wind chimes and shaking them with the hands. There are solos for the cor anglais, soprano saxophone, and flute. Festival (La Fête du Feu) This piece expresses the passionate dances and festivals held in the Japanese summer. There is a part in the middle that depicts a summer sky with cumulonimbus clouds. It also uses the rhythm of Nebuta. There are solos for the clarinet, flute, gong, and timpani. ) is a wind orchestra piece composed by Toshio Mashima in 2001 at the request of the Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra. It expresses a Japanese theme using Western techniques. It is sometimes called "Japonisme (with a voiced S sound)", but more accurately it is based on the French Japonisme (without a voiced S sound). The sheet music is available for purchase at Atelier M. It consists of three pieces: "The Crane Dances," "The Snowy River," and "The Festival." If all are performed together, the total time is about 18 minutes. At the All Japan Wind Orchestra Competition, each group edits the pieces in their own way due to the time limit. The composer himself has also released a "Three Japonismes Composer's Edition," which has been re-edited to about 7 minutes and 30 seconds. The Crane Dances (La Danse des Grues) This piece is a lovely representation of the courtship dance of the red-crowned cranes, performed with wind orchestra. In the scene where the cranes dance, the paper of the fan is removed and the two are clapped together to represent the dance. There are solos for the piccolo, oboe, and soprano saxophone. There is also a depiction of the flapping of the cranes' wings and their cries. The Snowy River (La Rivière Enneigée) This piece depicts a river flowing quietly through a winter valley, with snow falling steadily, like a sumi-e painting. The sound of a flowing river is expressed by hanging bamboo tubes of different heights on strings from the hanging pole of a wind chime and shaking them with the hands. There are solos for the cor anglais, soprano saxophone, and flute. Festival (La Fête du Feu) This piece expresses the passionate dances and festivals that take place in the Japanese summer. There is a part in the middle that depicts a summer sky with cumulonimbus clouds. The rhythm of the Nebuta festival is also used. There are solos for the clarinet, flute, gong, and timpani. Performed by the Kanagawa University Wind Orchestra, conducted by Toshiro Ozawa, from CyberLink PowerDirector 16 #Wind Orchestra #Lucy Channel