⬇ Sign up for my En France course ⬇ ????https://bit.ly/3CqqcvX In this video we're going to talk about fruits. I'm also going to give you some expressions that use this vocabulary... Can you tell me what it looks like in Portuguese??? Bonne études ♥ ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- ⬇LINK TO MY 100% ONLINE AND FREE EVENT ⬇ *SIGN UP* ✍ https:/ / oftb.com.br/inscreva-se/ --------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------- ✈ MY ONLINE FRENCH COURSE ● EN FRANCE https://www . osfrancesestomambanho.com... ------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------- Follow Oftb & Céline Chevallier on social media: Facebook: / osfrancesestomambanho Instagram: / osfrancesestomambanho Contact for Classes: [email protected] fruits in French...