Earth, Solar System, nearby stars, star clusters, galaxies… But what’s next? Does the universe have any structure? Is the Earth trapped inside a giant web? The lecture discusses the high-scale structure of the universe, the so-called cosmic web, which is the highest observed structure in the universe. Lenka Zychová (*1986) studied astrophysics, in which she received her doctorate at Masaryk University in Brno under the supervision of Soni Ehlerová from the Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. She currently lives in Belgium, where she works at the Royal Belgian Institute of Aeronomy in the field of space weather. Support for the Pátečníci project: https://www.startovac.cz/patron/vasi-... Further information: http://astronomickeprednasky.cz/ http://www.patecnici.net/ / patecnici.cyklus