Last January, Mr. Conticini himself invited me to one of his live shows, and on this occasion I made my famous recipe for Menton lemon tart and tangy meringue. Many of you asked me for the recipe, so today we're going to make it together. I'm going to show you all the steps and all the secrets of making this citrus and sunny dessert, a real treat for the taste buds! Ingredients... Sweet pastry: • 80 g unsalted butter • 50 g icing sugar • 18 g almond powder • 1 g fine salt • 140 g T55 flour • 1/2 beaten egg Lemon cream: • 2 large whole eggs (110 g) • 130 g caster sugar • 3 organic lemons (140 g) • 2 g 200 bloom gelatin • 150 g unsalted butter Tangy Italian meringue: • 2 egg whites • 130 g caster sugar • 40 g water • 15 g lemon juice A huge thank you to: My incomparable Thierry from ThimeStudio: https://thimestudio.fr de Buyer Industrie for the equipment: https://www.debuyer.com Jackets and aprons: https://www.a-lafont.com Subscribe on: IG: muriel_aublet_cuvelier FB: Muriel Aublet-Cuvelier Lmp Pro All the news on: www.lessecretsdemuriel.com Music and Audio Effects licensed* to Thime Studio: Christmas Piano (Neoclassic) *Envato Pty Ltd IPC: 52a936c5-e33e-4235-8514-71440ed7d325 This Happy (Music_idea) *Envato Pty Ltd IPC: 8e5daffd-bea8-4597-8b2e-718a6da0015b