Combining classic Western elements with the tense atmosphere of a thriller, this film tells the story of revenge and justice in the Wild West. The film is set in 1887, when a ruthless group of outlaws led by a woman named Nora (played by Anna Hurran) commits brutal murders in an attempt to find the people she blames for ruining her life. During their bloody journey, they attack a peaceful farming family, killing the parents and kidnapping a young girl, Rebecca (Clear McIntyre). Her younger brother Benjamin, who miraculously survived, witnesses this brutality and vows to avenge his family. An experienced marshal follows them and, together with a group of bounty hunters, decides to catch the killers. Their path leads to the remote town of Eminence Hill, inhabited by a religious sect of fanatics who believe in purification through blood. Here, the outlaws find refuge, but their presence begins to cause chaos even among these believers. #movies