▶️Livestream: https://www.clipmyhorse.tv/events/1422 The Prix St. Georges special at your own discretion on the evening of the Nuremberg Burg Cup final is always a very special highlight for the best 3 riders and the spectators. Riding master Ingrid Klimke and the 8-year-old Hanoverian stallion Franziskus (by Fidertanz x Alabaster) finished second with a 9.5 behind Vitalis, but thrilled the audience with a brilliant choice of music and subsequent obedience jump! ClipMyHorse.TV is the world's leading provider of live broadcasts of equestrian sports & breeding and a partner of various national federations! Watch all equestrian events LIVE and free of charge on ClipMyHorse.TV! See the best, learn from the best! Over 500 events per year can be followed LIVE and free of charge on ClipMyHorse.TV! HORSES LIVE AT CLIPMYHORSE.TV ClipMyHorse.TV is the leading offer for live broadcasts of equestrian and breeding events worldwide. You can take part LIVE in over 500 events per year. For more information visit us @ https://www.clipmyhorse.tv/en/live