The lecture is given by the Head of the Radiation Therapy Department of Medscan.rf S.V. Usychkin. The state of radiation therapy in the Russian Federation (Equipment). Comparison of the USA and Russia in terms of radiotherapy equipment. The difference between a gamma apparatus and a linear accelerator. Late effects of high doses of radiation on the skin. What equipment is required for modern radiation therapy. Development of radiation therapy technologies on linear accelerators. Dose conformity - intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT). More accurate dose delivery - image-guided radiation therapy (IGRT). Modern linear accelerators IMRT + IGRT. Varian TrueBeam version 2.5 in Medscan.rf. A team of radiation therapy specialists. Provision of personnel for radiation therapy departments. A complex and responsible technological process. A medical physicist is a "bridge" between physics and medicine. The role of a medical physicist - IAEA. Components of quality assurance of radiation therapy in Medscan.rf.