UNDERSTANDING THE WORLD AND THE MEANING OF LIFE In the first lecture, we will learn about all the possibilities of how we can change our lives, first with the help of a therapist, and then on our own. Without any special mysticism, I will explain to you the basic concepts of energy work and esotericism. The common denominator will be "both above and below and both without and within." We will break taboos, put mysticism and so-called spirituality on the ground, in everyday life. Until now, the impossible will become possible, because you will learn how you can do it with the help of a therapist and later on yourself according to your capabilities. The starting points for the first meeting are: what is the meaning of life, about various myths; the understanding of karma and what we have brought from previous lives, inherited from ancestors and society, the influence of the planets, the energies of the earth on which we incarnated; why we are in a specific state/position and the influence of beliefs on our life; how energies work, types of energies, the influence of energies on our lives; quantum physics, laws of operation, possibilities of conscious and unconscious influence on the change of energies and consequently life; guided process - how to open up to energies and know how to use them to your advantage, axis mundi initiation and permanent energy acquisition.