the hardest video in my memory! i'm talking about how i closed myself off and here i'm opening up again: i survived violence, moved, dropped out of university, grew a lot at work and about the situation with Dilya Nalune, which i didn't comment on in any way and kept silent because i didn't have the strength for it. the question was hanging in the air, i was constantly triggered by questions about it and now i'm strong enough to talk about my feelings and experience and also about my mental disorder, which i've been treating for a year, antidepressants and all sorts of new entertainment of adult life p.s. the only goal of this video is to open up, to talk about wounds that have already healed, and not to fan the flames of a conflict. the worst thing you can do is to start bullying or making accusations against someone. i've been through it and it doesn't matter what kind of relationship we have with a person - i wouldn't wish this on anyone in short, and to look at the mountains and to cry :) thank you for being with me! don't be afraid of anything yours vova / vova_utrom 0:00 - what's new? 4:47 - Dilya and my breakdown 17:50 - mental disorder and treatment