The first video dedicated to chip tuning - learning how to flash a Vesta car, getting acquainted with bootloaders, and the procedure itself. The most important links. - Loaders, official websites: 1. CombiLoader - https://almisoft.ru/ 2. Scan Master CAN - https://motor-master.ru/ 3. Openbox 3 - https://diantel.ru/openbox/openbox/ 4. BitBox - https://bitbox.ru/ 5. MDFLASHER - https://mdflasher.online/ - Equipment: 1. OpenDiag - http://www.opendiag.pro/ 2. CAR SCANNER - https://www.carscanner.info/ru/ 3. Scanmatik - https://scanmatik.ru/ 4. ELM 327 website - https://elm327.rf/ 5. ECU Tools website - https://ecutools.ru/ 6. Cables - https://vk.com/cable4chip 7. Serial firmware - ChipTuner website - https://chiptuner.ru/ - Tuners: 1. SpacePro - https://vk.com/chipspacepro 2. Alexander Zhigulev - https://vk.com/publicsvzchip 3. Invar Inside - https://vk.com/invar_inside 4. Chelyaba - http://www.shop.chelchip.ru/ 5. MMK - https://fsv-chip.ru/ 6.CARTUNER - https://vk.com/cartuner.engineering My platforms: Yandex - https://dzen.ru/id/6228c63ba0e206306a... Rutube - https://rutube.ru/channel/27244359/ VK - https://vk.com/chippraim Help in creating new experiments and reviews, without you nothing will work out - thank you: 5368 2901 3648 1563 P.S. We welcome polite and cultured viewers and are glad see you among subscribers. Due to the large amount of work, we are unable to respond to everyone. Rude comments and obscene language are deleted, haters are banned without discussion.