This is a German lesson to learn about a very important topic when it comes to conjugating verbs in this beautiful language. SEPARABLE VERBS or trennbare Verben. These are verbs which have a prefix that needs to be placed at the end of the sentence when we conjugate them. Here you will learn about the rules that we need to follow when using these verbs and which of them have NON-separable prefixes, something very important when speaking and writing German. There are other verbs that can be both separable and non-separable and I will also explain them in a quick and easy way, since sometimes they present a challenge for Spanish speakers. Don't forget to subscribe to my channel here: / @tomaleman You can contact me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Tomas.der.Pr... In this video you can learn how to conjugate regular German verbs in the present tense (Präsens): • Learn how to conjugate REGULAR VERBS IN... In these videos you can learn about prepositions in German: Part 1: • Learn the dative prepositions and the... Part 2: • PART 2 - learn GERMAN - separable prepositions... Key points of the video: Separable verbs in German In German, as well as in Spanish, we can add prefixes to verbs to form verbs with a different meaning. Ok, yes, for example in Spanish we have the verb ARMAR, but if I add the prefix DES- I form the verb DESARMAR, which is a different verb than the first one. EXACTLY! So in German the same thing happens, except that some verbs called “trennbare Verben” need to be separated from the prefix when we conjugate them and place it at the end of the sentence. There are other verbs in German which have a prefix but the prefix always remains with the verb, even when we conjugate it, meaning that these verbs are not separable. Separable verbs (trennbare Verben): AUFMACHEN (to open) Non-separable verbs (untrennbare Verben): VERMACHEN (to bequeath something to someone) Separable verbs (trennbare Verben): AUFMACHEN (to open): Ich mache das Fenster auf. (I open the window.) ZURÜCKKOMMEN (to return) Tobias kommt morgen zurück. (Tobias returns tomorrow.) Separable verbs are those that have the following prefixes: ab- an- auf- aus- bei- ein- her- heim- heraus- herauf- herein- hin- hinauf- hinaus- hinein- los- mit- nach- vor- weg- zu- zurück- Non-separable verbs: BEKOMMEN (receive) Diese Woche bekommst du das Paket. (This week you receive the package.) VERSTEHEN (understand) Ich verstehe dieses Thema nicht. (I don't understand this topic.) Verbs with the following prefixes are non-separable: be- emp- ent- er- ge- hinter- miss- ver- zer- Prefixes that can be both separable and NOT separable: durch-, hinter-, über-, um-, unter- UMARMEN (to hug) ich umarme meinen Deutschlehrer. (I hug my German teacher.) NOT separable: UMARMEN (to hug) Separable: UMBRINGEN (to kill) NOT separable: ÜBERSETZEN (to translate) Separable: ÜBERSETZEN (to cross the river/lake) Georg übersetzt das Buch. (Georg translates the book.) More examples: EINSTEIGEN (to get on) Ich steige in die U-Bahn ein. (I'm getting on the subway.) AUSSTEIGEN (to get off) Ich steige von der U-Bahn aus. (I'm getting off the subway.) NOT separable: GEHÖREN (to belong) Dieses Heft gehört mir. (This notebook belongs to me.) NOT separable: BEZAHLEN (to pay) Ich bezahle eine Rechnung. (I'm paying a bill.) NOT separable: BEENDEN (to finish) Wir beenden das Thema. (We've finished the topic.) Vielen Dank!! Tomaleman German with Tomás learn German with Tomas learn German online for Spanish speakers