I LEAVE YOU THE TOOLS YOU NEED TO BRING OUT YOUR FAVORITE SONGS WITH YOUR EAR: MAJOR SCALES C: C D E F G A B C C#: C# D# F F# G# A# C C# D: D E F# G A B C C# D D#: D# F G G# A# C C D D# E: E F# G# A B C C# D# E F: F G A A# C C# D# F G G# A: A B C C# D E F# G# A A#: A# C C D D# F G A A# B: B C# D# E F# G# A# B Grades in music: Grades I ii iii IV V Vi Vii C: C D Em F G Am B C#: C# D#m Fm F# G# A#m C Re: D Em F#m Sol A Sim C# D#: D# Fam Solm Sol# A# Dom D Mi: Mi Fa#m Sol#m A B C#m D# Fa: F Solm Am A# C D Em F#: F# Sol#m A#m B C# D#m Fa Sol: Sol Am Sim C D Em F# Sol#: Sol# A#m Dom C# D# Fam Sol A: A Sim C#m D Mi Fa#m Sol# A#: A# Dom Rem D# Fa Solm A B: B C#m D#m E Fa# Sol#m A# 2nd Channel: / @elgus4655 Facebook: / elprofegustavofermin Instagram / eltichergustavo Business: [email protected] I do not own the original music in the video, I only perform it. the rights are 100% of the author. __________________________________________________________________________ Learn to play the piano from scratch: • Lesson #1 Learn to Play the Piano FROM SCR... Grades in music: • GRADES and PROGRESSIONS in music... Exercises for disobedient fingers: • The BEST EXERCISE for STIFF FINGERS.... Learn to play the piano with both hands: • Play the piano WITH BOTH HANDS... Ornaments on the piano for songs: • Make SIMPLE OMNASTICS for songs... Beginner pianist mistakes: • MISTAKES that we PIANISTS make... Seventh chords • LEARN 7TH CHORDS once and for all... Progressions or harmonic circles: • HARMONIC CIRCLES, DEFINITIVE explanation... Suspended chords SUS • LET'S LEARN SUSPENDED CHORDS!! Minor Scale (WITH TEXT TO COPY) • Minor Scales FORMULA + TEXT for ... Major Scale (CONTEXT TO COPY) • Major Scales FORMULA + TEXT for ... Playing Cumbia from Scratch: • Learn Cumbia FROM SCRATCH! EPISODE 1 Playing Merengue from Scratch: • Merengue Pattern #1. Merengue TUTOR... Playing Salsa from Scratch: • Playing Salsa for the First Time!!! LESSON...