MOTOR COORDINATION concerns the BRAIN's ability to balance the body's movements, more specifically the muscles and JOINTS. Motor coordination is IMPORTANT throughout each of our lives, especially in the psychomotor and cognitive domains. So that the ORGANISM learns and does not feel UNSAFE. 3 POWERFUL TIPS FOR BEGINNER EMBROIDERY.. • 3 POWERFUL TIPS TO IMPROVE THE EMBROIDERY... HOW TO EMBROIDE WITH A QUILTING FOOT... • HOW TO EMBROIDE ON A DOMESTIC MACHINE WITH... #suelydonato #artesanatos #coisasaparabebê #costuracriativa #sdfofurasdebebê #bordadoemmaquinadomestica #coleçãonaninhababy #projetobanhoefofuras BUY THE NANINHA PROJECTS AND ANIMAL HOODED TOWEL ON THE SITE: https://suelydonato.com/ LEARN HOW TO EMBROIDE FROM SCRATCH.. https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=s1iMb... HOW TO ADJUST THE EMBOLANDO LINE..https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9apZ... MY SOCIAL MEDIA WEBSITE:.....⏩https://suelydonato.com / WHATSAP...⏩https://bit.ly/2ZpaaOX INSTAGRAM...⏩...https://bit.ly/34XQIKB FACEBOOK..........⏩..https ://bit.ly/30yGrnS PINTEREST.............⏩... / _saved