You need to know how to distinguish between gaslighting and real advice so that you don't get swayed. In life, we always meet someone, listen to someone's story, or talk to someone. This is the basic routine for everyone. Therefore, knowing how to accept and reject what others say is wisdom in life. In particular, be careful of gaslighting disguised as advice. #HumanRelations #SelfManagement #SelfDevelopment #ConversationTechniques #HowToSpeakWell #PeopleGoodAtHumanRelations #HumanRelationsTheory #Mental #MentalManagement #SocialLife #FeelGood #Positive #Positive #Image #Dignity #Class #LifeQuotes #LifeAdvice #Gaslighting 'Why Do I Have a Hard Time Whenever I Go to Work' New Book Guide Kyobo Bookstore: https://url.kr/u3il7e Yes24: https://url.kr/mw6yv5 Aladdin: https://url.kr/s9edxk Human Relationship Wisdom Book Yoo Se-mi's 'Relationship Skills' Purchase Guide https://shrtco.de/qjqGwN Yoo Se-mi's Workplace Class Cafe https://cafe.naver.com/rlatjdqls53 Yoo Se-mi's Life Class Blog https://blog.naver.com/perpetua0919 Host: Yoo Se-mi 'To Manager Kim Who Goes to Work Today Too' Author Lecture Inquiries: 010-2326-8805 / [email protected]