Today I show you how to tow a chest, learn how to use Catarina in this transport that we can carry out with the platform tow truck, it's what I always say to do differentiated services in this BRANCH ☢▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ➡ https://shope.ee/5zou3uiC8X ???? ✔ Select the bell notification on your cell phone or computer ????✓ ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????? ???????????????????????????????? → ????-???????????????? ???????????????? ????????????????????????????:* editora42 Joice Carina / joicecarinanardovieira ✓ ???????????????????????????? → on our channel. ✔ シ︎???????????????????? ????????????????????????????: ????Guincho Faction Page on Face Book / 1298955830521918 / _created ????My Face BOK / valerio.santos.31 ????-???????????????? ???????????????? ????????????????????????????:[email protected] ☕︎ ???????????????????????????????????????????????? + ???????????????????????? PFV Drill Chuck Bivolt: https://shope.ee/2fYRqgTvk3 49-inch Portable Travel Tripod: https://shope.ee/6A8K1bZlbt Professional Inverter Welding Machine: https://shope.ee/9p1cOwK3rU 4 LED UBS Rechargeable Flashlight: https://shope.ee/5AFmqXtNkg Tool Box Case: https://shope.ee/5fC3RZJqwj Long PVC Boot: https://shope.ee/99lvcITZgK 129-Piece Tool Kit: https://shope.ee/8UWEp8zIKe Black Rubber Hammer: https://shope.ee/89tOQiROpV Rubberized Tape Measure: https://shope.ee/5KZD3f3HOK 27MM Nail Hammer: https://shope.ee/4ANFfaItM1 ✌︎ ????????????????????????-???????? ????????: The Key to Self Control ⤵️ https://shope.ee/6pO0sOnTt3 ༄ ???????????????????????? ???????? ????????????????????????: Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:00 pm ✰ ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? : My name is Valério! My main goal is to pass on my knowledge about TOW TRUCK and help with tips and preventive maintenance REMEMBERING WE CAN BE DIFFERENT FROM THOSE WHO ARE THE SAME! I WILL GIVE YOU TIPS TO qualify your truck the way you dream and desire, becoming TOP in the running and much more effective and qualified to be successful in all categories ➡ Welcome to my Channel ???? ????☀︎︎ ???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????? ???? ????????????????????! ???????????????????????? ????????????:???? https://go.hotmart.com/I60347968Q ❁ ????????????????: • I MET TUKINHA CRAZY REVIEW IS C... • ???? ROUND TWO WE WENT TO THE TRUCK MARKET... • ⚠ WHAT IS THE BEST 34 TRUCK TALKING... • GETTING TO KNOW THE CITY OF COTIA place... #valérioguincho #caminhãoguincho #comoguincharumbaú