Are you having trouble paying your debts, can't see any other alternatives and are under a lot of pressure because of it? It's time for you to turn things around and understand once and for all that the bank needs you, not the other way around! With some information and the right attitudes, you'll be the one to set the rules! SIGN UP now and take part in the largest online Financial Education event in the world, with 40 experts! ABEFIN Financial Education QUARANTINE, it's FREE: https://bit.ly/2UtGOxN ???? Social Networks Instagram - https://bit.ly/3DCjIfa LinkedIn - https://bit.ly/3zlVHXm ???? DSOP Financial Behavior Education - https://bit.ly/3zn8F74 Higher Education - https://bit.ly/3f8Ze4v ???? Dinheiro à Vista PodCast - https://bit.ly/3Dgp0vp/ #financialtransformation #negotiatingwithbank