LEARN THIS STRUCTURED CROCHET BAG CROCHET AGATE BAG CROCHET BAG Come learn this beautiful crochet bag made with nautical yarn. A beautiful model of a sack bag, super structured and spacious. 💕 Become a member of this channel and get benefits: / @marcyhmoda MATERIALS USED: 💎 CS Badulakes Online Store: https://marcyhmoda.com.br/lojacsbadul... 💎 Buy through Whatsapp: https://contate.me/marcyhmodacs 💎 CS Badulakes INSTAGRAM: / csbadulakes 👉 SECOND PART: • LEARN HOW TO MAKE THIS STRUCTURED CROCHET BAG... 👉 PERFECT FINISHING ON THE CHAIN HANDLE: • HOW TO FINISH ON A CHAIN HANDLE... 💕 Exclusive Group on Whatsapp: https://marcyhmoda.com.br/trico-croch... ===================================== 🔔 Leave your LIKE and SUBSCRIBE! 🌷 SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/c/MarcyhModa?... 🌷 INSTAGRAM: / marcyhmoda 🌷 FACEBOOK: / handmademarcyhmoda 🌷 WEBSITE: https://marcyhmoda.com.br/ ===================================== 📌 MY OTHER CHANNEL 👉 Florence Nursing: https://tecendoideias.com.br/enfermag... #marcyhmoda #crochet #knitting