It's very important to take care of your skin's health, that's why chemist and aromacologist Fernanda Honorato came to talk to us about it. She will also show us some homemade recipes for the skin! ???? Recipes: EXFOLIANT FOR FACE AND HANDS: 2 tablespoons of coffee grounds Coconut oil (enough quantity to form a paste) 1 teaspoon of honey Mix all the ingredients, forming a paste. With circular movements, spread it where you want a good exfoliation, and rinse. To alleviate blemishes on the face: RICE PASTE: 2 tablespoons of rice flour Milk (enough quantity to form a paste) Mix the ingredients to form a paste, and gently deposit on the stain, leaving it to act for 15 minutes, removing with water. Mixture for deep hydration of the skin: anti-wrinkle and expression lines 2 spoons of colorless, flavorless gelatin 1 spoon of coconut oil 1/2 cup of chamomile infusion 1 egg white Dissolve the gelatin in the chamomile infusion, adding the coconut oil and egg white, homogenizing well. With a clean face (after exfoliation), spread a generous amount on the face, neck, chest and hands, leaving it to act for 30 minutes and remove with saline solution. Perform twice a week. Natural facial mask: Play dough taken from the inside of the peel of 1 banana (that white part) 1 teaspoon of coconut oil 1 egg white Mix the ingredients well, until very homogeneous and spread over the face and back of the hands, leaving it to act for 20 minutes, taking it very well, to remove the excess. Homemade balm for porcelain skin: Water taken from washing rice Let it rest, covered in a place free from light, until it forms a decant at the bottom (like a paste), remove this material and spread it on your face before going to sleep. Remove when waking up. Also check out the other pages of the program: Website - http://tvgazeta.com.br/mulheres Facebook - / gazetamulheres Twitter - / gazetamulheres Instagram - / gazetamulheres