#tvaparecida #façavocemesmo Artisan Ivone Nery teaches you how to make a decorative EVA doll in a glass jar! ✂️ LIST OF MATERIALS: 1 glass jar (I used the one for baby food) EVA in the desired colors Resin adhesive eyes Ruler Utility knife Barbecue stick PVA or acrylic paint Blower or flat iron Instant glue Hot glue Contact glue ????STEP BY STEP: ????Take the video jar and apply contact glue all around it, while it dries, cut a square of EVA in the size that covers the entire jar (this will be the part of the doll's face). ????The EVA must be heated to wrap the jar, when it cools the EVA loses its elasticity. ????If you prefer, you can use silicone glue or hot glue. ????Take a 2 cm strip of EVA to make the headband, turn it around, twisting the EVA slightly to imitate a turban. ????The lid will be the hair, choose the desired color and cut 1 cm strips, with the help of a barbecue stick, roll the EVA strips and heat with the blower or flat iron. ????Wait for it to cool and remove from the stick, you will have the Eva curls. Cut to the desired size and stick all over the lid until it is completely filled ????Glue the adhesive eyes, paint the eyelashes and your beautiful Eva doll pot is ready. Content produced on the “Do It Yourself” program, January 22, 2023 TV APARECIDA It's good to be where Mom is! https://www.a12.com/ / aparecidatv / tvaparecida / tvaparecida Download our App for free on your cell phone, tablet or iPad. Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... Apple Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/apareci...