In today's class I'm going to explain how we can create our own rhythms on the guitar, how we can use some rhythm figures to make combinations and generate new patterns that we can apply in songs or in our compositions. If you find rhythm difficult, in this lesson I can help you improve in that aspect: • Solve rhythm problems in l... Download the PDF of this lesson here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/vxr10s... In order to create our own rhythms on the guitar, the first thing we're going to do is understand how rhythm works and to do this we're going to study 16 figures, combinations that allow us to extract all the possibilities in a group of four notes. It's important to emphasize that to do this correctly, the ideal is to keep a sequence of attacks in our right hand down, up, down, up, always regardless of whether the notes are active or not, this will help us keep the rhythm, to be more solid at the level of rite and in passing, they make the study of the different figures and combinations much easier. These 16 patterns or rhythm figures summarize all the possibilities we have for a group of four notes, so having all the possibilities we just have to play with them, combine them, experiment to generate our own rhythms. Initially, we are going to work in eighth notes, with this we will always have two notes per beat, each rhythm figure lasts two beats, so to fill a bar of four beats we will need two. Then we will do something more complex, we will do the same principle, but with sixteenth notes, we will have the same four notes, only now they take up one beat, therefore, the speed of execution in the right hand if we do it at the same tempo will double. When we make rhythms with sixteenth notes we can make combinations of four figures, we will now have many more possibilities to play with the rhythm. I hope you liked this lesson about composition. I am leaving you a list of related videos so that you can study them and continue to delve deeper into this area • Resources for composing songs Learn about our online guitar and music training courses: https://clasesdeguitarra.com.co/ Buy our books: https://clasesdeguitarra.com.co/libro... #clasesdeguitarra #guitar #guitarist