???? Don't forget to subscribe to the channel Course links ????????: ???? Full course Databases and Python: • Python and Databases python with Da... Full course Databases and PHP: • LEARN PHP with SQL Course index: 1- Install the required programs: Mysql: www.mysql.com Xampp: www.apachefriends.org/download.html Add the PATH path so that the computer recognizes the program 2- View databases + create a database + delete a database 3- Use a database + view tables + create a table + delete a table 4- Add data to fields + view data 5- Filter data professionally (search) where 6- Delete data delete + Update (edit) data update 7- Filter like by first and last name 8- Ascending and descending order by 1-desc 2-asc 9- Total number of data within a specific field count All you have to do is subscribe to this channel to benefit from the advantages: / @rakwan To communicate: Facebook: / rakwan.ali.77 Keywords: #Learn_databases #Database_course_for_beginners #Databases #Php_databases #Python_databases #Sql_course #Sqlite3_course #Sqlserver_course #Rakwan_for_programming #SQL #sql #Learn_sql #learn_SQL #Structured_Query_Language #Learn_Database #Learn_sqlite3 #sqllite3 #SQLITE3 #MYSQL #mysql #learn_mysql #mysql_course #_SQL_complete #sql_tutorial #sql_server_course #Learn_sql #sql_server #Explanation_sql_commands #Explanation_sql_server #Explanation_sql_injection #Explanation_mysql #mysql_tutorial_Arabic #learn_mysql_in_Arabic #learn_sql_in_Arabic #sql_tutorial_in_Arabic #learn_mysql_full_course #learn_mysql_full_course #mysql_course_Arabic #oracle_sql_arabic_course #sql_explanation #sql_server_explanation_in_Arabic #sql_explanation_in_Arabic #sql_explanation_for_beginners #sql_complete_course #sql_server_learning_course #sql_database_course #sql_learning_course #sql_course #sql_course #learn_sql_from_scratch_to_professionalism