Welcome to the “Learn Blender from Zero” video tutorial! ???? Here, you will learn the basics of Blender, a powerful 3D software for creating various 3D designs. This video is beginner friendly. We will learn everything from the interface, navigation, modeling, texturing, to lighting and rendering, all explained easily so you can practice right away! ????✨ ???? Image Reference Link: https://lynk.id/apriliyanditami/zme6KmM ???? Advanced Video Link: https://lynk.id/apriliyanditami/x3QnAVA To help speed up the process of learning Blender, I created an eBook containing shortcuts that can help you master Blender faster, complete with videos and brief explanations of each shortcut. There is a promo from a price of IDR 45,000 so you only pay IDR 15,000, cheaper than the price of today's coffee. ???? eBook Blender Keyboard Shortcut : https://lynk.id/apriliyanditami/PJWpMLP ???? Background Music (Copyright-Free): https://freetouse.com/music/chill-pul... Music track: Talk by Chill Pulse Source: https://freetouse.com/music Timecode 0:00 - Intro 0:20 - Preparation 0:50 - Blender Interface 1:52 - Blender Navigation 2:45 - Reference Image 3:23 - Modeling Object 3:43 - Scale Object / Resizing Object 5:05 - Add Object / Adding Object 5:52 - Move Object / Move Object 6:55 - Edit Object 8:25 - Bevel Object 9:57 - Boolean Modifier 12:12 - Apply Modifier 13:34 - Inset 13:57 - Extrude 16:21 - Subdivision Surface Modifier 17:49 - Mirror Modifier 18:15 - Add Curve 20:10 - Convert Curve to Mesh 20:25 - Add UV Sphere 21:46 - Proportional Editing 23:05 - Duplicate 23:40 - Parent Object 24:28 - Texturing 25:58 - Link Material 26:37 - Assign Material 27:50 - Texture Painting 29:48 - Rending Setup 32:23 - Lighting Setup 33:48 - Backdrop 35:22 - Composition 36:45 - Render Image 37:22 - Closing