LEGRAN is the newest development by SKN Incorporadora, in the city of Manaus. This apartment we visited is the 123m2 model apartment, with 3 suites. The internal division is for families who prioritize internal space, if that is your case, you will be surprised. Whether with a view of the river or a view of the green area, LEGRAN is a great option ☺️ The building that will be the tallest building in Ponta Negra, in addition to all the leisure items, also has an exclusive 360-degree viewpoint. It is a captivating condominium. Let's take a look? 123 m2 apartments - From R$ 850,286.56 (3 bedrooms) 146 m2 apartments - From R$ 1,034,000.00 (4 bedrooms) 165 m2 apartments - Upon consultation. (4 bedrooms) #realestate #realestatemanaus #realestatemarket #realestatemarketmanaus #manyrealestatep