. This team is called “NAKE LAZANYA”. The reason I call it false is that I don't use lavash instead of lasagna pasta (pasta). But it's the one in lasagna with béchamel sauce with sesame seeds. In the next recipe. I noted that we will have sesame seeds, béchamel sauce and ready-made lavash. VALUABLE DRESS. 350-400 cr dana value (less fatty). 1 eded head of onion (large). 1- eded Bulgarian pepper. 1-2 eded blue (I didn't hit). 1-2 eded tomatoes(I used a can of tomatoes I tied in a bow). Half a bunch of jaggery. Salt and pepper. INGREDIENTS FOR THE FILLING. 350-400gr -minced beef. 1 pc-bulbs. 1 pc bell pepper. To taste, you can add 1-2 pieces of carrots. 1-2 tomatoes. Half a bunch of parsley. Salt and red pepper (dried). BECHAMEL SAUCE. INGREDIENTS 60 gr-butter. 3 tbsp milk. 3 s/l flour. Salt, black pepper. BECHAMEL SAUCE ,BECHAMEL SAUCE ➡️. • PREPARATION OF BECHAMEL SAUCE (LAZANNY... PREPARATION. First of all, we will finely chop the onion and pepper in half a ball. We will put the chopped onions and peppers on the pan. fry, or red. Ardynca qimeni de elave edib rengi denedek birlikde kovururuk. BESHAMEL SAUCE 60 times butter 2- x / day 3-st milk Salt black istiot In a frying pan, fry with milk. initially salt and istiotun We're going to put a little greased paper on the inside of the opened cake pan. We'll put the 2nd pan on the top of the golden lavasin. thickness of the crack, the most valuable inside of the elave edib this series continue. How many times you can do I have 4 times taken. I'll share it with you, dear ones. I'll share it with you😍☺️#lavashly #yalanchy #lasagna #meatpiroqu #minced borek #beshamelsauce #beshamelsauce #cheyaleninmetbexi AZERBAIAN NATIONAL BUSINESS. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... NOVRUZ TEAMS . • nowruz teams SWEETS. • Juices DOUGH WORKS • Dough WORKS CAKES. • my cakes MY MEAT AND VEGETABLES. • Meat and valuable dishes PRACTICAL METHODS • Practical techniques CAKE CREAM • Cake creams SOBA DISHES • Soba dishes SOWERS AND SOUPS • Soups and soups. PILOVAS • Plovs DAUGHTERY COOKIES • DAUGHTERY COOKIES. WORLD METBEX • World Metbax • Cleaning videos MUSIC IN VIDEOM AUTHOR IN LINK .Ikson / iksonmusic