You can support the project by following the links: If you are in Russia: https://boosty.to/vertdider If you are not in Russia: / vertdider Famous atheists and popularizers of science often engage in debates with Christian authorities. Less often, they encounter giants of Islamic thought. We would like to offer you to watch the debate between Lawrence Krauss and Hamza Tzortzis, which, in our opinion, how can I say... is quite hot. They discuss what makes more sense, Islam or atheism, look for errors in the book "The Universe from Nothing" and measure length in Krausses. Translation: Andrey Lexington, Elena Smotrova, Ekaterina Sokolova, Kirill Popov, Kirill Kloperon, Vlad Shevchenko Editing: Ekaterina Sokolova, Elena Smotrova Voice-over: Alexander Kachkin Editing: Alexander Kachkin Cover: Sofia Zozulya Studio website: http://vertdider.com We are on social networks: - http://vk.com/studio_vd - https://t.me/vertdider - / vert_dider - http://coub.com/vertdider