Need to study the NEW Law of Public Tenders and Contracts? Well, here we have the audio of Law 14133 of 2021, read with a human voice and updated 🔥 This law is required in almost ALL public tenders and its knowledge is essential. Come study Administrative Law! 📝🤓📚🎧 Follow Law 14133 through the playlist, organized and in the right order! It's much better, here is the link: • Law 14.133/2021 in AUDIO 🎧 New Law d... Link to the Planalto page where I read this law: http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/... From art. 1st to 10 TITLE I - PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS CHAPTER I - SCOPE OF APPLICATION OF THIS LAW CHAPTER II - PRINCIPLES CHAPTER III - DEFINITIONS CHAPTER IV - PUBLIC AGENTS MINUTES (because I know the law is long and you're too lazy to finish it, but the minutes give you an idea of how much time is left to finish 🤣): 00:00 TITLE I - PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS, CHAPTER I - SCOPE OF APPLICATION OF THIS LAW, Art. 1 03:55 Art. 2 04:34 Art. 3 05:07 Art. 4 07:15 CHAPTER II - PRINCIPLES, Art. 5 08:20 CHAPTER III - DEFINITIONS, Art. 6 40:59 CHAPTER IV - PUBLIC AGENTS, Art. 7 43:02 Art. 8 45:48 Art. 9 48:10 Art. 10 #NewAudioBiddingLawDealsWithHumanVoiceClickHere