The comedy classic of the screens, Güldür Güldür Show, which has everyone from the ages of 7 to 70 glued to their screens, continues without slowing down. ◾ Opening: 00:00 ◾ Yalayut: You wouldn't be loved even if you were a child, Yalayut. ????♂️ - 01:39 ◾ Erkek Adam: The joy of stepping outside the box. ???? - 20:50 ◾ Enayi: The shock of scamming yourself on the way to getting rich. ????♂️ - 40:50 ◾ Tak Heel: The phrase "chained heeling". ???? - 01:09:38 ◾ Mağduroğulları: A family that has reached the peak of victimization. ???? - 01:25:23 ◾ I'll Buy You a Phone - Intellectual Lesson: We have come to the end of the intellectuality allocated to us. ???? - 01:44:02 ◾ My Love, My Bestfriend: You have to say 'Brother'. ???? - 02:01:01 Güldür Güldür Show Official Social Media Accounts: / guldurguldur / guldur_guldur / guldurguldurtv ► Subscribe to Güldür Güldür Show Channel: https://goo.gl/v9le8I ► Subscribe to BKM Channel: http://goo.gl/rq6Yql ► Subscribe to BKM Music Channel: https://goo.gl/xmCkJH #BKM #GüldürGüldürShow #BeşiktaşKültürMerkezi #GüldürGüldür #NewSeason