Watch us on TV! Weekdays at 19:30 on TV3 Plus. Even more soldiers Latvia has set a record for the number of contract soldiers. And they have started building a new training ground in Selija. The old one in Ādaži is not enough for them, and this one — for tens of millions of euros — will be able to accommodate many times more soldiers. She will be in charge of the parade “On Sunday, November 17, we will gather for a dress rehearsal, so that on the 18th we can show what we have all learned individually.” Dangerous roads There are still many accidents. And the drivers themselves are often to blame. Traffic rules are being violated more and more often. When will there be adequate prices for food? Judging by the reaction of retail chains to the ideas of the Minister of Economy — not soon. Or even never. Strong wind, heavy rain, snow This dubious pleasure is predicted by Latvian forecasters for the coming week.