00:00 Basic Stage 001-100 05:08 Basic Stage 101-200 10:23 Basic Stage 201-300 15:31 Basic Stage 301-400 20:10 Basic Stage 401-500 24:20 Basic Stage 501-600 It's hard to remember words just by reading them, so I searched for free material and made this. ◉Playlist here • 0001-0600 System Vocabulary Memorization Audio System Vocabulary that Repetitively Fixes the Image • 0601-1200 System Vocabulary Memorization Audio System Vocabulary that Repetitively Fixes the Image ◉System English Vocabulary covers all the points you need to remember based on a huge database of the past. Please give it a try. https://amzn.to/3HpDBHF (↑Amazon Associate link) #English #English vocabulary #vocabulary #systan #audio #high school entrance exam #high school student #exam #memorization #rote memorization #summary #study #TOEIC