PART 33 In this video part 33, it explains about gratitude. Gratitude itself is a highly commendable moral in Islam. For people who cannot be grateful for the blessings that Allah has given them, then sooner or later those blessings will be revoked by Allah, in the video it is also explained that the greatest blessings that exist in us today are the blessings of Islam and faith, so basically those blessings are not just worldly pleasures, but there are so many blessings that Allah has given to, and one of the greatest blessings is that it is easy for us all to carry out acts of worship to Allah. Fellow believers... every Muslim who knows about the nature of destiny will continue to worry about his fate at the end of his life, because Allah's will for someone cannot be seen when someone is still alive in the world, but what determines the good or bad of the determination of someone's destiny can be seen from how the person is when his soul is taken away (death). That is why in this video, the teacher (Kh. Muhammad Bakhiet) gives us several prayers that we can practice with the hope that one day when we die we will be in a state of Islam and be glorified by Allah SWT (Jalsatul Itsnain 01) Playlist: • Jalsatul Itsnain 1. The first prayer Alhamdulillahilladhi ahyana ba'dama amatana wa ilaihinnushur 2. Second prayer َا وَهَبْ لَنَا مِنْ لَّدُنْكَ رَحْمَةً ۚاِنَّكَ اَنْتَ الْم Email: akuproudtobe [email protected] Tag: #antamaamanahbabta #ceramahterbaru2024 #gurubakhietterbaru #kajianislam #doahusnulkhotimah #doakecepatatan