In today's new video by DinsiemE Erick and Dominick we play the 24 hour challenge where the last one out of the hotel wins 1000, we are in the smallest hotel in the world, we are in a capsule hotel in Japan in Tokyo where Doctor Timoti challenged us to stay and we are not together, but we broke up for 24 hours and our friends are not there either. Doctor Timoti challenges us every day to every game in real life and to every 24 hour challenge and this time he secretly chased us to Tokyo for our vacation in Japan. After we are babysitters of puppies in Japan for 24 hours and after the challenge where the last one out of the poop amusement park wins, we are locked for 24 hours inside the ugliest hotel room in the world! This challenge seems like a rich vs poor where the 1 euro hotel vs 1000 euro hotel. It is important not to choose the wrong mystery room or the smallest room in the world in this hotel which is like a labyrinth where you have to sleep with a stranger.