The third installment of the YouTube special project "LAST MILE -Premium Talk-" hosted by Hikari Mitsushima has been released! This time, the guests are the "Unnatural" team of Satomi Ishihara, Arata Iura, and Mikako Ichikawa! Look forward to a special talk where the worlds of "The Last Mile" and "Unnatural" intersect ₊˚⊹ [LAST MILE -Premium Talk-] ????Episode.1 "The Last Mile Edition" • LAST MILE -Premium Talk-〈Episode.1 Last... ????Episode.2 "MIU404 Edition" • LAST MILE -Premium Talk-〈Episode.2 MI... ????Episode.3 "The Unnatural Edition" • LAST MILE -Premium Talk-〈Episode.3 Un... [Cast of "LAST MILE -Premium Talk-"] "The Last Mile" Mitsushima Hikari, Okada Masaki, Dean Fujioka, Abe Sadao "Unnatural": Ishihara Satomi, Iura Arata, Ichikawa Mikako "MIU404": Ayano Go, Hoshino Gen [Movie Information] ■Official website: https://last-mile-movie.jp/ ■Official X: / last_mile_movie ■Official Instagram: / last_mile_movie ■Official TikTok: / last_mile_movie Director: Ayuko Tsukahara (film "My Happy Marriage" / TV dramas "Gekokujo Baseball Players", "MIU404", "Unnatural") Screenplay: Akiko Nogi (film "Voice of Sin", "Library Wars" series / TV dramas "We May Be Ashamed to Run Away, But It's Useful", "MIU404", "Unnatural") Theme song: "Garakata" by Kenshi Yonezu Production company: TBS Sparkle Distribution: Toho ©︎2024 "The Last Mile" Film Production Committee #LastMile #HikariMitsushima #MasakiOkada #DeanFujioka #SadaoAbe #Unnatural #SatomiIshihara #ArataIura #MikakoIchikawa #MIU404 #GoAyano #GenHoshino #AyukoTsukahara #AkikoNogi #KenshiYonezu