Laser vitreolysis of vitreous floaters. Basic principles of indications and contraindications Shaimova V.A., Shaimov R.B., Shaimov T.B., Galin A.Yu., Kuchkildina S.Kh. (Chelyabinsk) Satellite symposia within the framework of the conference "Modern technologies for the treatment of vitreoretinal pathology - 2018" Innovative nanosecond laser technologies in ophthalmology Organizer: CJSC "Trademed Invest" Tradedomed Invest. Ophthalmological equipment for professionals. Moscow, st. Marksistskaya, 3, building 1, office 412 (metro station Marksistskaya) Tel. 8 (495) 662 7866 http://www.tradomed-invest.ru