LAPAROSCOPY - Dr. Gastaldi and Dr. Francescangeli; laparoscope; surgery; laparotomy; open surgery; incisions; laparoscopic surgery; minimally invasive surgery; fast recovery; quick hospital stay; laparoscopic surgeries; lower risk of infections; uterine fibroids; infertility; adhesions; pelvic floor; prolapse; anesthesia; local anesthesia; general anesthesia; spinal anesthesia; recovery time; fast recovery; hysterectomy; robotic surgery; Laparoscopy is a different way of performing the same surgical procedure. In laparotomy or open surgery, more or less large incisions are made on the surface of the abdomen. With laparoscopy, small incisions can be made on the skin of the abdomen by introducing instruments such as the laparoscope, which is an optical instrument, and small instruments that are used to perform the procedure.