Even more videos https://www.france.tv/france-5/echapp... And to not miss any of your Échappées belles, subscribe here: / echappées belles Laos, a different journey - Échappées belles June 1, 2019 Laos, a small country in Southeast Asia long left undeveloped, has charms that are still preserved. A country of mountains, fertile plains, temples illustrating past splendor, Laos cultivates nonchalance, authenticity and mystery, along the majestic Mekong. At the heart of a Southeast Asia known for its zen, although hyperactive like Bangkok or Hanoi, it preserves its tranquility. This is where its main charm lies. Jérôme Pitorin joins Veo, his guide, in the city of Luang Prabang. Summary: - The people of the Mekong - French heritage - 24 hours at the table - The awakening of Laotian youth - The preservation of Buddhist heritage - Numerology Sophie Jovillard, Tiga, Ismaël Khelifa and Jérôme Pitorin take turns on Saturdays at 8:50 p.m. on France5 to help you discover escapes that are as beautiful as they are far away.