When purchasing a country property, the owners immediately think about how to plan the plot of land they received. This video is about the arrangement of a fairly large area around a country house in the Moscow region. The landscape designer talks about the details of the design and construction of its various parts. You will see a garden with fruit trees, a delightful rockery, an artificial stream flowing along the bed of a former ravine, a patio, gazebos and much more. The landscape builder talks about the secrets of building a parking space for cars, the secrets of making artificial stones, about plants that can be planted in the shade. Landscape designer Bryukhanov Alexey +7 903 731 94 02 / Creative process https://zen.yandex.ru/id/5df664a63642... https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSdeEPvUH/ https://t.me/tvorcheskiyprozess #gardenpaths #artificialstones #builda gazebo