🟢 LEARN EXCEL WITH ME IN THE COMPLETE EXCEL COURSE WITH CERTIFICATE: http://excelentejoao.com.br/sejaexcel... 🔵 SPREADSHEET FOR FREE DOWNLOAD: https://excelentejoao.com.br/wp-conte... In this free Excel video lesson, we will learn how to use the LAMBDA( ) function in Excel to Automate Tasks in Excel and automate processes in Excel and help us in the job market and in a job interview. We will do 3 Practical and real Examples to help us in our daily lives with. How to use the lambda function in Excel step by step tutorial. The LAMBDA formula in Excel helps us create our own custom functions and formulas. In addition, we can simplify functions and formulas in the Excel spreadsheet. Let's say that every day you do the same boring and repetitive task in Excel instead of racking your brains and having difficulty using formulas and functions to get to the solution you need, you can do it just once and then save all the steps you took, save all the formulas and functions you used and use the lambda function to simplify all these processes. What is the lambda function? You can save functions in Excel. You can save formulas. You can give a custom name to your formulas and functions. In other words, you can give a name to Excel functions in addition to being able to create your own formulas and functions just by making adjustments to the variables. The spreadsheet used in the video is available for free download, so you can follow the step-by-step along with me and understand how the lambda function works here in Excel. #ExcellentJoão #Excel #Dashboard