Lillaz 1600m, Cogne valley. From the car park in 15 minutes you reach the famous Lillaz waterfalls, seen many times but always beautiful, especially in May-June when the water flow is greater. Take path 12 to Lake Loie, which climbs steeply through the pine and larch forest until it fades into the Loie alp at 2217m, it is worth moving away from the path to reach a natural viewpoint on the lateral valley. The Grivola is almost always present in the panoramic climb to Lake Loie 2346m. The tour of the lake is beautiful but I want to go and see where the stream comes from, so I go up a hundred meters to a higher basin from where you can dominate the lake, gps altitude: 2448m. Once back down to the lake we start again; we go up the path to the east up to 2400m and then descend to the farmhouses of Bardoney 2240m. We follow the stream with its many jumps until we return to the woods (path 13G). The loop ends with the return to the bridge at the top of the waterfalls and descent to the village. In the company of Angelica and Marina. June 29, 2019.