Islamic children's songs pillars of Islam there are five pillars of Islam Hi friends I want to remind you that there are main things that we must practice Hi friends let's pay attention to the 5 pillars of Islam that we must practice 1. shahada 2. prayer 3. fasting 4. paying zakat 5. going on the hajj if we are able those are the pillars of Islam that we must practice let's memorize all of them these are the most noble pillars of Islam let's memorize all of them instill in our hearts so that Allah loves us #assyifaanimation #islamicchildren'ssongs I want to go to Mecca I want to go to Mecca aishwa nahla, collection of children's prayers, Islamic children's songs, Islamic children's songs allahul kafi, Islamic children's songs sholawat, latest Islamic children's songs 2021, sholawat songs, muhammad hadi assegaf, shalawat prophet, sholatullah salamullah, sholawat, children's prayers, badar prayers, badar prayers ais, badar aiswa prayer, badar prayer for children, badar prayer for children, badar prayer for children, melodious badar prayer, prophet's prayer, prayer for Allah's greetings, badar prayer ais Islamic children's song Alif ba ta tsa 20 attributes of Allah song, 20 attributes of Allah lyrics, Indonesian animation, kastari animation juz amma, kids song, compilation of Islamic children's songs, children's songs, funny Indonesian children's songs, latest children's songs 2021, Islamic children's songs, latest children's songs, nussa rara learns to be sincere, nussa rara don't just eat, nussa rara pillars of Islam, nussa can't reply, nussa can, prophet muhammad's prayer, prophet's prayer yes prophet greetings alaika, alif baa taa, alif ba ta, alif ba ta upin ipin, alif ba ta sa