The evil lactate destroys our endurance - no, actually not at all and it even has an alkaline effect. But more about that in another video ;)! This video is about lactate kinetics, i.e. how much lactate is built up and broken down. We'll take a closer look at the whole thing using different examples and explain the meaning of VO2max and VLamax. Our shop: https://www.proathletes-shop.de/colle... Dr. Sebastian Zeller from https://www.proathletes.de Icons from / triosoph Thank you very much Helmut! Our training plans Triathlon (feat. Dan Lorang, 12 weeks, Base) https://t1p.de/hd41 Triathlon (feat. Dan Lorang, 12 weeks, Build) https://t1p.de/up3p Triathlon (feat. Dan Lorang, 12 weeks, Peak) https://t1p.de/j0g4 Cycling https://www.trainingpeaks.com/my-trai... Running (a whole season) https://www.trainingpeaks.com/my-trai... Marathon and half marathon (12 weeks) https://www.trainingpeaks.com/my-trai... Running 5 & 10km (12 weeks) https://www.trainingpeaks.com/my-trai... Block training (cycling and triathlon) https://www.trainingpeaks.com/trainin...