Link to the power supply https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_A4LpND HOW to use the laboratory power supply? A screwdriver from a pulse power supply from Aliexpress. Current stabilization, voltage stabilization. Precise and powerful laboratory power supply GVDA SPS-H3010 with voltage regulation in the range of 0..30V and current up to 10A. 300 W pulse power supply with an additional channel - USB port for charging gadgets with a voltage of 5 V with a current of up to 2 A. The power supply has voltage and current stabilization modes, shows not only the output current and output voltage, but also the power consumed by the load. - Xiaomi HOTO Smart Screwdriver https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_Dmw... USB Current and Voltage Tester https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_AncAv5 - My Travels http://goo.gl/6JoHxh All videos: https://goo.gl/23FyTJ website: http://www.musbench.com vk https://vk.com/id193611613 - Credits: ES_African Ceremony.mp3, ES_A Figure Of Speech 1.mp3 from http://epidemicsound.com Licensed for Scalelab MCN partner