The study of blood gas composition using laboratory methods appeared in the 1950s in connection with the polio epidemic and the connection of patients to mechanical ventilation. How to urgently determine blood oxygen saturation or assess the acid-base balance (ABB) in a laboratory or at a patient's bedside in the intensive care unit, and what do the numerous indicators in the analysis mean? ABB balance between what and what? And finally, the topic is relevant in connection with the high incidence of COVID-19, since under COVID-19 conditions the patient suffers from insufficient blood oxygen saturation, is often connected to mechanical ventilation and, therefore, it is necessary to assess the effectiveness of mechanical ventilation. We will also consider what requirements are imposed on blood gas analyzers and how to choose the right device depending on the place of its use. Speakers: Irina Zagumennikova, specialist of OMB LLC for products, biochemistry and express diagnostics. Marina Egorova, MD, Professor of the Department of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogova, Deputy Executive Director of OOO OMB on KLD issues. The webinar will be of interest to: doctors of the intensive care unit, medical specialists, KLD doctors, students of medical institutes.