The video describes the climb to the Grand Assaly, 3173 m, a peak belonging to the Rutor Group. The itinerary begins in La Thuile/La Joux and has the Deffeyes Refuge (2494 m) as a base. The approach to the Grand Assaly is by skirting the Lago dei Seracchi and then climbing the rocky bastion that overlooks it (alternatively, it is possible to cross the river on an uncomfortable Tibetan bridge). You continue by climbing the glacier to the Colle d'Assaly, and from here you reach the summit via the southern slope. The climb to the Grand Assaly presents difficulty of grade PD- with passages of grade II. Equipment used: boots, ice axe, crampons, harness, 2 screwgate carabiners, 2 loops of cord or slings, bucket, helmet, 40 m rope. 1 double rope descent during the descent.