The massacre of peoples by imperialist forces was denounced by KKE MP, Liana Kanelli, speaking on the channel “Action 24”, on the morning of Monday, December 30. On the occasion of the coming new year, the KKE MP noted that 2024 was “the year of Herod” around the world, as according to official data 470 million children live in war zones, with 17,500 dead children in Gaza and an unknown number of mutilated children. She referred to the support provided by the government to the war in Ukraine, providing in addition to weapons and fuel, which makes the country a target of retaliation and warned of a generalization of the war, which is essentially being propagated by NATO and preparing the world with the video released on the Internet for Christmas. Regarding the government's measures regarding the Internet and teenagers, she denounced the hypocrisy of the system, which in the name of profit is addicting young people to the use of the Internet and at the same time appears to be attempting to impose restrictions. Asked about the election of President of the Republic, she reiterated that the KKE will not support any candidate not because of their personality, but because whoever they are, they sign the anti-popular policy of the government in question. See here: https://www.902.gr/eidisi/politiki/38... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 902.gr: https://www.902.gr KKE: https://www.kke.gr KNE: https://www.kne.gr Rizospastis: https://www.rizospastis.gr Odigitis: https://www.odigitis.gr Communist Review: https://www.komep.gr Modern Era Publications: https://sep.gr