The long-awaited anime adaptation of the Kyoto Municipal Subway PR project "Get on the Subway" has finally been released! The short anime version of "Get on the Subway", which was completed in May 2017, is now available on YouTube. ■What is "Get on the Subway"? The slogan is "Get on the Subway" and the subway and city bus support characters "Uzumasa Moe", "Matsuga Saki", "Ono Misa", "Uzumasa Rei", "Ono Ryo" and "Jujo Takeru" promote the Kyoto Municipal Subway. Moe, Saki and Misa were devised by Kyoto City's "Young Employee Customer Increase Team" established in 2010. In 2013, the design firm GK Kyoto and illustrator Kamogawa gave the character designs a makeover. Since then, various developments have been made as part of the subway usage promotion project "Get on the Subway". http://www.city.kyoto.lg.jp/kotsu/pag... -------------------<CAST> Uzumasa Moe: Hasegawa Nana / Matsuga Saki: Tsukada Yui / Ono Misa: Tanikake Mimori / Miyako-kun: Okubo Teruko / Uzumasa Rei: Takemura Kana<STAFF> Planning and production: Gyorai Eizo http://gyorai.net Supervision: GIKEI Kyoto / Character design: Kamogawa / Theme song: Oki Harumi / Cooperation: Kyoto City Transportation Bureau *This work was produced through crowdfunding organized by Gyorai Eizo Co., Ltd. <Short animation production project website> http://chikatetsu.moe ©Kyoto City Transportation Bureau 2018